Dr Legal Process

  • 39159 Paseo Padre Pkwy. #112, Fremont, CA 94538

D&R Legal Process Service, LLC.

California Subpoena Serving

Forget about the hassle of uncooperative witness’s and companies preventing you from getting your hands on that key piece of information or document, to win your case.

Let D&R Legal Services do the legwork and serve all your California subpoenas today.

D&R Legal Process Service​

Serving subpoenas can be a hassle and time-consuming.

Dealing with subpoenas in California without a guide can be a challenging.

There are a lot of rules governing the process of serving legal documents in California, which if you don’t follow, can lead to your subpoena being thrown out of court.

In most cases, it is best to turn over the responsibility of serving your subpoena in California to an experienced agency that has been doing it for decades. 

D&R Legal Process Service is here for you! 

We’re experts in serving subpoenas all over California. With our help, you can get the records you’re looking for and an ironclad jurisdiction over the witness, so you can win your case!

Dependable & Responsible Since 1985!

  • 36 Years of Experience

    We have over 36 years of experience in the legal processing field.

  • Fast and Smooth Service

    With D&R Legal Process your paperwork will be filed and served quickly and smoothly.

  • Affordable Pricing

    One of our top priorities is making sure our legal process costs are fair to both parties so we work at a competitive rate.

  • Complete Support

    We're here to help you every step of the way. We offer a full-service experience with our legal process services.

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We are experts in serving subpoenas all over California. With our help you’ll save hours of time and precious financial resources that are better well spent other places!

Pile of law books
Blind folded law

D&R Legal Process Service​

We know how stressful it is to try to serve your subpoena on your own in California.

At D&R Legal we understand the frustration that you feel when trying to serve a subpoena in California without a guide.

The subpoena process can be extremely overwhelming for someone not familiar with California law.

With more than 36 years of experience, we have been able to streamline the process of serving subpoenas in California, so that you don’t have to worry about a thing!

D&R Legal can serve all your subpoena needs in a timely manner and at affordable rates! 

About D&R


Trying to handle legal processing on your own can be difficult and time-consuming—not to mention expensive.

Let us handle all the hassles from legal processing so you can focus on enjoying your life.

You don't have to worry about legal procedures and paperwork anymore.

We offer a full-service process serving solution that takes care of all the hassles associated with filing and paperwork.

  • 25 Years of Experience

    We have over 25 years of experience in the legal processing field.

  • Fast and Smooth Service

    With D&R Legal Process your paperwork will be filed and served quickly and smoothly.

  • Affordable Pricing

    One of our top priorities is making sure our legal process costs are fair to both parties so we work at a competitive rate.

  • Complete Support

    We're here to help you every step of the way. We offer a full-service experience with our legal process services.

Handshake agreement



D&R Legal Process Service​


The subpoenaing party can request a vast range of evidence, up to and including testimony from an in-person witness that a court ordered subpoena compels to appear at a deposition, trial or hearing.

The subpoena is a notice ordering the requested parties to produce documents, records, data, testimony — anything that might be admissible as evidence in the case against the individual or entities involved in a lawsuit.

The Two Types Of California Subpoenas

As per California law, the subpoenaing parties can request one of two types of evidence.

California Records Subpoena

This is a request that compels a party to produce documents, records, data or other written accounts of some items or evidence related to the case.

An issuing court or the attorney of record can issue one of these to the witness to obtain the required records.

A production of business records subpoena in California requires a witness fee of $15.00 to be tendered at the time of service at least 15 days prior to the production date.

California Personal Appearance Subpoena

This is a request that compels a witness to appear in person at a deposition, a trial or hearing to give their testimony.

An issuing court or the attorney of record issues the court order to compel the witness to appear in person and give their statement to the court under oath.

A witness fee of $35.00, per day and $0.20 per mile, round trip from the subjects residential address is NOT required to be paid at the time of service, BUT can be requested from the attorney and paid upon or before their appearance at the trial or deposition.

Government Agents (Police, Fire, etc.) will require a $275.00, per day witness fee and is required at the time of service, at least 5 days prior to the appearance.

Criminal and Juvenal Case Subpoenas require that no witness fee be paid at all and can only compel an appearance within 150 miles of their residence address.

An appearance subpoena is served on the witness according to “Reasonable Notice”, this is generally agreed upon as 10 days prior to the appearance but can be served as short as the same day as the trial or hearing.

A California witness can only be compelled for a deposition to travel up to 75 miles from their residential address and up to 150 miles from their home address if the court is in the same county as the witness (San Bernardino County, etc.).


California SUBPOENA Serving