Jason Burke

Jason Burke is a self-made man who knows that hard work pays off. He has dedicated his life to helping other people with their legal problems, and he loves every minute of it!

He has over 24 years of experience in the field, all of which are focused on serving papers. Jason serves papers regulatory and for the last couple of years has served almost everything in Alameda, Santa Clara, San Mateo and Western Contra Costa Counties himself.

He prepares every single proof of service that D&R Legal Process Service produces to ensure that clients receive the highest quality they have come to expect from them.

Jason Burke

What Happens If You Avoid Being Served Court Papers?

What happens if you avoid being served court papers? There is an old saying: “You can run, but you can’t 

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Jason Burke

Service of Process: Important Things You Need to Know

Service of process means the other party must receive copies of any paper you file with the court. Learn more 

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